Friday, September 24, 2010

Framing the Trunk Lid

You know how some ideas seem really great at first, then they don't seem as good later!!!! Well this one wasn't like that at all, ha. It hasn't been easy working through the whole thing but it really is coming together nicely and the room it gives us has been worth the effort. We been distracted with some other things and I have a new batch of kids with only 1 experienced welder so the welding projects take a little longer because I'm training the kids as we go. When it comes to welding metal stock to sheet metal it can get a little tricky. Jaxon (Junior in high school, wants to be a welder) is practicing a bit before starts some of the finish work on this project. You can see in the picture below the little end caps that Jay made are a great fit but there are some small gaps to fill. Jaxon really wants to be able to tig weld this, but we'll see. You can also see the piece of angle iron that frames the edge of the once jagged opening.

Below you can see the lid itself with the new flange around it it closes nicely and in the end it will get a rubber gasket around the flange to ensure a good seal (no fumes in the cab). In the background you can also see how nice the new rear seat fits (leather, how fancy). The lid isn't quit finished yet, but you can see how nice its turning out. With carpet you wont even know its there.

The lid will be mounted to trunk style hings and attached to linear actuators to hold it up. Makes a lot more room, we love it!!!!!!!

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